Tukea Jörgen Sandmanille
Euroopan poolbiljardiliitto, EPBF, on laittanut alulle rahankeräyksen, jonka tarkoituksena on auttaa taloudellisesti Norjan maanvyöryssä kotinsa menettäneen poolbiljardin monitoimimiehen Jörgen Sandmania ja hänen perhettään.
Jörgen Sandmanin kotitalo tuhoutui täysin joulukuun lopulla suuressa maanvyöryssä Oslon lähettyvillä.
Jörgen Sandman on suomalaisille poolpelaajille tuttu, sillä hän on toiminut mm. Suomen nuorten maajoukkueen leirien vetäjänä ja vielä viime vuonna Suomen naisten maajoukkueen leirien vetäjänä ja valmentajana.
EPBF kirje kokonaisuudessaan täällä
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN EPBF / WPA Press Release January 2010
The worldwide Pool-Billiard Community is supporting a pioneer for Billiards achieving Olympic recognition following the recent landslide in Norway on 30th December, 2020. The European Pocket Billiard Federation (EPBF) together with the World PoolBilliard Association (WPA) took a decision to support Jorgen Sandman and his wife Anna after they were involved in the devastating Norwegian landslide that claimed up to 10 lives. Fortunately, Jorgen and Anna survived the ordeal after being airlifted by helicopter to safety and hospital, but they have lost their house, cars and all personal effects, indeed everything. Among the losses suffered were the volumes of Billiards memorabilia that Jorgen had collected over many years, such things are totally irreplaceable. Some good news is that their pet dog was found and rescued from the mud sometime later.
Jorgen’s involvement in Billiards goes way back, he is the former President of the WPA and is also a former President of the World Confederation of Billiards Sports.
Together with Andre Gagnaux, they were the driving force behind Billiards obtaining Olympic recognition which was granted in 1998. Mindful of how much time Jorgen had devoted to Billiards, the EPBF immediately felt obligated to launch a crowd funding appeal together with the WPA. We will check to see what the immediate priority is for assistance, and both federations will help however in restoring their life back to normal.
The Norwegian government will provide subsidies to all victims of this landslide, to what extent is unknown at this stage. The EPBF will take the lead in coordinating this action. All support from private entities, players, clubs, national federations, industry or whoever would like to contribute, the support will be highly appreciated.
The account number for donations is
Account holder: European Pocket Billiard Federation
Reason for Payment: Crowdfunding Sandman
BIC Nr. / Swift Code: INGBNL2AXXX
IBAN: NL53INGB0664794386
Account Nr.: 0664794386
All donations received will be forwarded to the Sandman family. The EPBF will update the amount forwarded to the Sandmans on a regular basis.